This E Portfolio covers a wide range of topic areas that bring together "APPT 6114 Societal Context". The six module's cover cultures and technology, societal trends, emerging technology, technology through history, ethics and a debate. This has been produced using knowledge gained in class sessions and group work along with study time for research.However topic areas are covered broadly and should be read in context within the purpose and objectives of the overall course "Societal Context".
A Good interpretation of the power of the internet in the Context Of Society."Empowering or Censoring Citizens". Perhaps the "Trans-formative Power Of The Web To Change Societies For The Better".
However to understand the "Net Impact And Net Effect Of Technology On Society" you need to look at the bigger picture. This clip helps explain some of the dynamics that need to be taken into consideration.
All aboard "Welcome To Cyber-Utopia" digital immigrants this way digital natives that way, we will meet in the middle. We are off on a journey of discovery collaboration, learning and communication.
Never in the history of man kind has there been so much happening in the digital world, it has become a dependable resource that in the western world would be lost with out it.