Tuesday, 2 October 2012

MODULE ONE "Technology through History". "Communication" man's tool for evolutionary development and the impact on society.

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3000 year old Bones (Bronze age) found burred in a cave in Germany have been traced using DNA to the direct blood line today. This is a remarkable use of past and present technology coming together to fill in the missing pieces. Modern day science has played an important role to the discovery of our planet. This science continues to develop and answer some aspects of our previous existence on this planet that otherwise would remain an unsolved mystery. Waiting in vengeance to be discovered and developed into present day theory's.

Man's first written text.

Ancient Hebrew text found dating back 10th century B.C, king David who slew Goliath. This is the oldest text known to mankind and helps explain our early existence on this planet. Further answers to our ongoing quest in search of science and religion.

Communication is vital for social cohesion, our evolution and existence has depended upon social harmony to progress the world we live in today.

Cave paintings which date back 130,000 years were used as a form of educational manual showing which animals were safe to eat and how to hunt them. The drawings were painted using animal blood and food colourings as pigments. This method of communication helped the survival of early mankind. This early pictorial communication was confined to the local people in their geographical area therefore being very localised.

The Lascaux cave paintings in France is a fine example of a sophisticated society and culture that dates back to 18,000 to 10,000 B.C. The animals which predominate the cave are of local animals Horse,Oxe and Deer. The paintings remained uncovered until the 1940's when the cave was opened to the public. During the past couple of decades the caves have been opened bacteria and humidity change in the cave has seen deterioration of the drawings taking place. This is due to human invasion for the enlightenment of the past to understand the present and future. The caves are now shut to the public however the caves have been recreated so the public can still experience the wonders of this primitive pictorial communication example.

Let us not ignore that this early form of pictorial communication, has a great impact on early society and localised culture. As we developed as a race we needed to extend this out to sign language and eventually the spoken word which originates from Hebrew.

The Bible the oldest book known to mankind which is the worlds most published book today and is perhaps the most remarkable communication tool ever. "And the whole earth was of one language,and of one speech" Genesis 11:1 (KJV), when taken in context this statement implies a universal practice of the spoken word. "Over 75 percent of English words come direct from Hebrew words" this is a quote in 1985 and was based on the work of Professor Edward Odlum in his work "God's Covenant Man" (1916).

The spoken word which is a biological tool that only humans posses, has developed and dialects lost in translation so the origins only go back about 50,000 years. This development has made a huge advancement to the human race in terms of technological achievement. This follows through to what we now call "The Digital Age" the development of communication.

Between the 7th to 13th Century came the age of religious "Manuscript" depicted by illustration's and the written word produced by hand. By the 13th to 15th Century the written word took on a different meaning, trying to explain about the visual world. Books were produced in this way for over 1000 years and only the educated could Wright and understand the written word of communication. These books were mainly written by Monks therefore their religious slant. Literacy rates remained low and only acceptable to the wealthy and educated. In 1448 Johann Gutenberg revolutionised the way books were made changing the way we saw the valued the world. This technology although slow to take off was soon to make main stream during the Industrial Revolution and introduction of a compulsory education system.

This time in history is perhaps the most significant change in modern society that has ever taken place. This is the dawn of world economics and productivity to create wealth the world has ever seen. It is this time in history that is the basis of the topic "Communication", "The Digital World". How has it changed the way we think behave and see the world past present and future.

"Communication And Information" the dawn of the second revolution, The communication revolution that has seen the most amount of change since cave man's drawings 130,000 years ago. A societal change through the eyes of a "Victorian analog native" past present and future.

This starts with a visit to MOTAT (Museum of Transport and Technology)in Auckland, the chosen topic "Telecommunications" the revolution of Transport. And how this technology has impacted on our daily lives. We will explore this exciting emerging technology in Module 5 "Emerging Technology".