Friday, 9 November 2012

MODULE SIX "Debate" Online Shopping (Against)

Online Shopping
Image from:

"The Debate" topic was online shopping and we were against, we communicated via email and met up in the library one hour before show down. As a team we discussed what we have been researching and finalized our strategy. I had prepared a Google Doc with links on what I had discovered that could be deemed to be significant. The resource list for the debate is available in the following link which will bring up a Google Doc with the sites visited for the debate Click hear for Google Doc.

Debate Team Members
Photo supplied by Lionel

During my research time I discovered some interesting facts, online shopping has become a multi-billion dollar industry reducing available spend in traditional retail. I asked a group of my students what made them by online, interestingly the reply was convenience and not necessarily price. They also went on to say their buying habits were impulsive without considering need. This statement was in keeping with my suspicion however the research documents I have looked at barely give this a mention. One interesting fact is company's such as Apple Computers and Louis Vuitton who have extensive retail outlets are bucking the trend increasing sales year after year. It has been argued that retail need to re look at their business models and re invent them self's. Although online shopping consumer spend is increasing with less money available for traditional retail Government intervention may tip the scales.    

Below is the email communication with the team prior to the meeting in the library at 9pm Thursday 8th November 2012. The second email communication is with Tevita including the Google Doc link sharing my Google Doc with my research links.

Sure man, I will be there, Hope the others can make it. Can i have your cell number and Tevita's if you got it please?

From: David Clarke <>
Sent: Tuesday, 6 November 2012 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: Debate

Hi Lionel

I agree however I will be unable to meet but have arranged to meet with Tevita on Thursday morning at 9pm in the library before the debate. Could you guys meet as well so we can cement the deal.


>>> lionel tembo <> 06/11/12 12:41 PM >>>

Ok, gentlemen, Davit is right. Since time is no longer on our side, can we all make an effort to look at all possible negative impacts of online shopping and their causes. and try to look for facts and supporting evidence. then let us all meet tomorrow at 11am. i can book a study room in the library for 11am. and i think its a good idea to communicate by TXT too.

my phone #, Lionel     -  021 2120 452
Don Li                       -  021 0540 858(new member)
Josh Qingwei             -  021 0589 921
Eric Damaris              -  021 2575 804

Hope to see you all Tomorrow.

From: David Clarke <>
Sent: Monday, 5 November 2012 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: Debate

Hi Team

We should be communicating as the debate is drawing closer. Can we please share with the group the work to date so we can work out a strategy on the angle we will look at.


>>> lionel tembo <> 31/10/12 10:52 AM >>>
Hi guys,

Our topic is looking at Online Shopping, and we are against it(negative).
Is it a must that a group is supposed to have 5 people or six can do because one guy 'Don Li' was asking if he could join our group. I'm not sure but i told him to see Rashika.
Anyway, how is our group leader and can they please allocate tasks for people to look at or we all research the whole topic, and also organize a date where we can meet and put them together before we meet the group against us.


From: David Clarke <>
Sent: Monday, 29 October 2012 8:29 PM
Subject: Debate

Hi Guys

Just emailing to see what has been discussed during the past class in terms of what our chosen topic is and how we as a team are going to tackle this. Please give me some tasks to do, so we may be in a position to give a good overall argument in relation to the technology topic chosen by the group.

I will endeavour to make the necessary input required to satisfy our obligations regarding this assignment.

Kind Regards


Hi David,

Thanks for the hard work that you have done. I do have an access to the link now. Thank you again.


Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 10:23:11 +1300
Subject: RE: Debate

You should now have access to the document, please feel free to add to it as you should be able to edit it.

>>> Tevita Ika <> 06/11/12 10:07 AM >>>
Hi David,
Yes I will be there at 9am in the library. I clicked on the link below and wait for your approval to have an access to it.


Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 07:44:27 +1200
Subject: RE: Debate

Hi Tevita
We will carry on, the resources I have got are on the link below, it is a google doc so click the link and I will add you so you can view.
I will share some ideas later on for you to have a look at. We have our debate at 10.00 am on Thursday, should we meet in the library at 9.00 am to give time to put together?

>>> Tevita Ika <> 5/11/2012 1:38 p.m. >>>
Hi David,
This is the link that I took from the internet:
I think its a good idea that we should carry on regardless.


Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 11:56:32 +1300
Subject: RE: Debate

Hi Tevita

Perhaps we should work together and carry on regardless, we cannot be responsible for others, we need to collect evidence links readings etc. Please let me know your ideas and we can work on putting together what we have and formulate a strategy from hear.


>>> Tevita Ika <> 05/11/12 10:44 AM >>>
Hi David,

Thanks for your concern about our team progress but it seems we are not working together as a team. It would be a disaster going to the debate without a strategic plan on hand. I have gathered some ideas but I need to know what am I going to do. I have no idea what the debate would look like so I am lost here.


Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 08:51:50 +1300
Subject: Re: Debate

Hi Team

We should be communicating as the debate is drawing closer. Can we please share with the group the work to date so we can work out a strategy on the angle we will look at.


>>> lionel tembo <> 31/10/12 10:52 AM >>>
Hi guys,

Our topic is looking at Online Shopping, and we are against it(negative).
Is it a must that a group is supposed to have 5 people or six can do because one guy 'Don Li' was asking if he could join our group. I'm not sure but i told him to see Rashika.
Anyway, how is our group leader and can they please allocate tasks for people to look at or we all research the whole topic, and also organize a date where we can meet and put them together before we meet the group against us.


From: David Clarke <>
Sent: Monday, 29 October 2012 8:29 PM
Subject: Debate

Hi Guys

Just emailing to see what has been discussed during the past class in terms of what our chosen topic is and how we as a team are going to tackle this. Please give me some tasks to do, so we may be in a position to give a good overall argument in relation to the technology topic chosen by the group.

I will endeavour to make the necessary input required to satisfy our obligations regarding this assignment.

Kind Regards


MODULE FOUR "Cultures & Technology"

Reference List:- " Click here for the reference list."

We must first define culture as a generic term we use when referring to people in terms to where they come from. For example I speak English therefore my culture is "English" however this is a shared language so does every one who speaks English have an English culture. The answer is simple no, I come from England and my culture is English and I share some of the traditions but have a subculture which is generational and geographical. I also share a universal culture that is shared by all of humanity collectively knowing right from wrong for example. An interesting article which helps explain culture titled "What Is Culture?" makes an interesting read. This article defines culture in a context that can be understood for a wider audience but keeping true to the title.

Cultural Paradigms
Image from:
In order to evaluate the impact of technology on Maori society we need to look at Maori structure to understand the position they represent in New Zealand society. This is represented by their demographic position in society showing their differences in relation to the rest of New Zealand and their economic status resulting from "mild discrimination". However Maori have continued to flourish with an uptake of industrial and urban employment. Politically Maori are represented by 16 MP's who are from Maori decent in 2004 and teaching and learning institutions using the Maori language. With more than 64% of Maori living in urban areas in 2001 this is a testament to the determination for success. The following article helps illustrate "Maori Social Structure" in a ever changing society and helps define Maori status in society.

Maori success
Image from: 

New Zealand society has continued to develop with Maori as the integral part of the development of a bi cultural society, therefore including technology in teaching and learning.and creating diversified educational organisations. The TEU has many Maori success story's which it shares on their web site, these are also to help teachers develop strategies to help develop teachers capabilities "Maori Success Story's".

Te Reo Maori and Communication Technology's by "The University of Auckland"

Early Maori used the technology that had been handed down from their elders and was based on horticulture, using stones for walls and hot embers to dry soils they were very successful in establishing several plants including the kumara. They migrated from their early maritime existence and branched out into the forests. The technology was tools made from natural resources such as green stone and flax which could be traded for other goods. The Maori saw themselves as having "A sacred relationship with the natural world" not too far away from our modern philosophy of sustainability. The "Te Ara" web site is a useful resource helping to fill in the missing pieces about Maori culture history and technology. The Maori have continued to embrace the modern world and rise to the challenge with what technology has to offer their people.

International Day of the world's indigenous peoples. By "The United Nations" 

Indigenous people around the world have had similar experiences when facing a rapidly changing society one such race is the aboriginals of Australia who have shared many of the experiences of Maori. They also have suffered the effects of "mild discrimination" and used similar technology's to Maori being in harmony with the land. They have also stepped up to the many challenges which face their people to survive in terms of heritage, culture and technology.

Australian Aboriginal Brief History 

Technology Of The Day
Image from:

Aboriginal culture has many similarities which share that of  the Maori belief systems, the trends can be identified with at the following site "Aboriginal Culture ". This is not uncommon with many indigenous people of the world. However with Government intervention the gap can change although we still have a long way to go in terms of full collaboration. Education plays a vital part in bridging this gap allowing mutual understanding  to be a common theme and practiced accordingly. As we all move forward in an ever changing societal context we are all faced with changing technology's which seem's bewildering, this however is the world we live in today and will not stop to take a breath.


Reference List:-" Click Hear For Reference List"

The oxford dictionary defines the word ethics as "Moral principals that govern a persons behavior or the conducting of an activity". As the world moves on we are becoming more aware of business practices, and the relationship to the world we live in, media has become the conduit allowing information to pass freely between public at large and the business community alike.This has allowed many mistermeaners to be brought to the surface forcing debate and creating change within our community's.

The gap between definition and enforcement.
Image from:

Ethics is not just about describing values or behaviors of individuals or business but is the process about norms, values and behaviors and the judgement that binds them together. It can also be described as a balanced process of defining our diverse moral beliefs for the betterment of the majority. This means their needs to be a structured approach to have equilibrium and harmony. Business ethics however needs to be dynamic in its approach as their are other needs to be considered. These needs are sub category of ethics which need to be brought into the structured equation..These include but not limited to corporate social responsibility  corporate citizenship and sustainability.

We want to do the right thing
Image from:

Therefore a dilemma exists within the bushiness community as we struggle to create policy's that are fair and equitable due to the scope of considerations. Perhaps business culture also plays an important role in ethical practices to what is deemed appropriate and what gets neglected, the exclusion of certain elements may to some be unfair or one sided. It is a gurgling act to compare apples with apples when we are uncertain what shape and size we are dealing with.. Integrity with in the business community is a major player as trading becomes wider and corporate responsibility is becoming a marketable draw card.

Ethical Dilemma.
Image from:

Technology has become part of every day life not for some but for all and has made a significant change to society. As the very nature of technology advances it continues to dictate and determine the world we live in. As we continue to lead busy lives and our reliance on transport becomes greater the demand for improved transportation grows. With this growth in demand technology becomes in-trenched within this industry. Therefore ethics is a major consideration because transportation is part of everyday life in the word we live in.

One such global organisation who has dominated technology for decades has started to resource research and development capitol in the transport sector This one move has created a set of dynamics witch has touched on all of the ethical fronts.These being social, cultural, economic and Government one must consider the impact, effect and social change as a result of this emerging technology. Google has a reputation for being  forward thinking and only employing top talent. This culture is quoted as "To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful"  intertwined is an ethos which allows the organisation to develop and grow "When you give smart people space to innovate, you unleash the power of imagination, ideas and connectivity to change the world for the better".

The changing world using technology
Image from:

Google have stated that there intention is to develop this technology (Self driving car) for the safety of road users, saving an estimated 50% of the road toll of 1.2 million lives world wide. This alone is a responsible approach to the use of technology for the greater good. They have also stated that they will make the technology available to the transport sector via collaboration agreements. This has a potential economic benefit that can be shared, this collaboration will bring together a team of engineers that will create many jobs and have a spin off into other industry's.

"Youtube clip looking at world changing technology" 

 Local US Governments have received this technology and embracing it allowing the continuation of development. The impact can be seen as beneficial to the long term economy creating social change to driving behavior. This allowing Governments to Chanel funds into more worthy causes from the cost to society through road deaths and associate hospitalization and support networks.

The changing world
Image from:

This technology has the ability to change our society for the benefit of all however this is an emerging technology and will need the support from industry and stakeholders alike. This technology will have a real positive effect on society and the economy with job creation and training opportunity's. However the down side will be loss of jobs due to the falling demand of traditional modes of transportation but the benefits far out weigh the small economic losses in a changing world we live in.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

MODULE TWO "Societal Trends" in terms of "Vehicle Safety"

Reference List:- "Click hear for the reference list."

As discussed in module 5 "Emerging Technology" in relation to vehicle safety this has become one of the most powerful trends in the history of the automotive industry. All vehicles leaving the production line today will have some technology that is related to safety. A few decades ago vehicles were marketed on looks, style, reliability and running costs, safety however was not an important factor in selling to the consumer.

Ford Sierra advert from 1982 as screened in many country's boasting the style and aerodynamics one would be foolish not to have a test drive. This advert claims man and machine in perfect harmony a designers dream test drive one today. Safety does not get a mention as the trend is non existent in the marketing of vehicles of this era. One would assume the vehicle is safe otherwise it would not be allowed on the roads or to be advertised on National and International television. The safety of vehicles of this era were not considered to be of significant importance to the general public.

This advert is typical of vehicle manufactures of the late 1980's and early 1990's when style and image were the social trends of the day. However still important in selling to the consumer in today's market but of lesser importance. This is a typical advert claiming the vehicle "breaks the law of averages" a catchy twist but lacks the integrity of vehicle safety.

An advert from 2012 clearly aimed at safety, however looks and style are cleverly embedded with out being obvious. One can draw a common conclusion, safety sells in today's market place, most car advertisers will boast about their safety features above anything else.

According to Auto Trends Magazine 5 Top trends in vehicle safety "Technology continues to produce the best safety features that are designed to protect ourselves, our passengers and other motorists and pedestrians". They go on to state the top five innovations in vehicle safety being, Tyre pressure monitoring systems, blind spot detection, rollover prevention, sensitive air bag systems and night vision assist. All of these technology's are in use by vehicle manufactures in today's market.

The number of vehicles on the roads is increasing.
Image from:

The motoring general public certainly in Europe are very familiar with "EURO NCAP" an independent agency that promotes vehicle safety, and produces interdependent crash reports for the public and manufactures. NCAP was formed in 1997 and comprises of seven European Governments and "Has rapidly become a catalyst for encouraging significant safety improvements to new car design". With the significant legislation now being imposed at Government level it has caused a trend to be carried forward. This trend has been well received by the motoring public and has now become the best seller in cars. Hear in New Zealand we are seeing adverts quoting a 5 star NCAP rating for safety and also NZTA the transport Government Agency are promoting vehicle safety and advising the public to buy next generation vehicles.

In 1980 9% of vehicle purchases were based on safety, in 2005 28% of vehicles were purchased on vehicle safety.
Image From:

As identified in Module 5 Google have a self driving car which will make driving safer, Government intervention and manufactures smart design a willing motoring public will see the trend moving ahead. With all of these trends on safety coming together we will continue to see the vehicle develop into a computer on wheels. This mobile computer will have the ability to make decisions that human's could not, these will include artificial intelligence at the next level. The motorist will tell the car where to go and will be taken there in the shortest distance using the least amount of energy in the safest way. The future of the car will be carried by this "Safety Trend" that has become such a powerful force it is now impossible to stop. The roads will be safer society will benefit lives will be saved, this is truly a benefit to our communities.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

MODULE FIVE "Emerging Technology". "Communication and Transport"

Click hear for "Reference List"

In the previous Module "1" we looked at the evolution of technology through history and looked at the impact it has made on mankind and to society. In this module we will look at a past technology "telecommunications" and see how this is becoming an emerging technology in the transport sector. This new technology has been developed from the telecommunication revolution. This has changed the way we think about transport and our reliance on technology.

Early man using simple technology and communication.
Picture taken at MOTAT Auckland.

We have come a long way since the early days of communication and language so much so our ancestors would not recognize the world we live in today. Communication is the tool which mankind has exploited beyond recognition creating the world we live in today. 

Our first long distance communication devices were still linked by copper wires.
Picture taken at MOTAT Auckland

The telecommunications evolution has had a dramatic impact on our daily lives and has seen the demise of previous technology's. 

This has lead to the rapid expansion of communication technology  enabling mankind to interact with the world in real time.

Early telephone exchanges used electro- mechanical technology.
Picture taken at MOTAT Auckland.

Modern day communication systems are far more complex and can run at higher speeds allowing our world to move at a faster rate than in early times. The modern day world has used technology to improve society in a similar way early mankind used there technology to help us get to ware we are now.

The development of the microprocessor has changed the way our world interacts with every day life including communication and transportation.
The transport sector has been no exception in using communication technology to improve its reliability fuel consumption and safety. There is an exciting emerging technology on the horizon that has created s storm, this technology could have a dramatic effect on society and communities "The Self Driving Car".Google have been developing this technology and has been excepted by three states in the US since September 2012. Google states  " We are using advanced computer science to try and make driving safer and more enjoyable" posted August 8th 2012 this statement from the official Google blog suggests they are passionate about this technology and are determined to see it proceed to the market. These experimental cars have now completed 300,000 miles on the public highway with out any accidents and human intervention a big breakthrough for the transport industry. 

New and emerging technology takes time to hit the market.
Image from: 

This technology has been installed into hybrid cars and relies on complex systems to control all functionality therefore it is still emerging. The technology is termed as "artificial intelligence software" using infrared radar and Google street map technology and satellite positioning. The hybrid and electric car is still to see market penetration before we see this technology becoming main stream. Google pride themselves as being socially responsible and state in their blog safety is paramount. They also go on to say "more than 1.2 million lives are lost every year in road traffic accidents" and believe their technology will help reduce this number by half.. They also go on to say they have always been optimistic about how technology can improve society therefore advanced computer science can help achieve a safer transportation model for the future.The vehicles are quipped with about US$150,000 of on board equipment making each vehicle out of reach for all but a few motorists. Google hope to perfect this technology and collaborate with automotive manufactures however at this stage Google have no plans to make this technology commercially available.    

Vehicle safety has taken center stage in the development of  every vehicle leaving the production line.
Image from:

 This emerging technology will have a remarkable outcome on the vehicles of the future although we already have a high level of sophistication in vehicles of today. The safety aspect will play a major role on this technology, manufactures by default will continue to build safer vehicles to comply with Government legislation. There will be wide spread collaboration to develop this technology past the initial trial as there are many benefits to society. The Google video clip above clearly demonstrates the power of this technology being used for the vision impaired  this enabling mobility for someone who otherwise would be restricted. The obvious safety aspect in saving lives due to the faster reaction times of computer controlled systems against human reaction times will see further developments happening. This is a emerging technology that will continue to develop and will see part of the current system being utilized within the next 5 years.The current culture within Google will keep this project running, as this could one of the big emerging technology's for the vehicle industry this decade.   

The vehicles of the future will be a new beast.
Image from:

We will see this technology being implemented in the more expensive brands (Executive vehicles) as has been the case with other emerging technology's of the day eg ABS, SRS, TCS etc. This will give the motoring press and public time to get adjusted to the next generation of technology and publish the benefits of improved safety and drive ability. This will eventually gain support by the public for its benefits and long term development seeing further investment in research and development from vehicle manufactures. This technology will see the reduction of green house gases and congestion in our overcrowded city's around the world. Governments will eventually raise the benchmark for vehicle standards as is already happening however this is a slow process. This will support the eventual inclusion of this emerging technology in whatever form it evolves into. Governments strongly support research and development by way of tax breaks allowing new and emerging technology's to come to market.

New Zealand showing the world lean and green transportation.
Image from:

The motoring public of the future will be themselves the drivers of technology and will be the "petrol heads" of the future. Perhaps they will be termed "Safety heads" the fossil fuels of today will be a thing of the past and vehicles will be governed by new legislation covering safety, economy and vehicle speed. This legislation will also affect public transportation making our city's around the world more habitable and Eco friendly. The environment will be a better landscape for the introduction of this emerging technology and also fits into Government aspirations.In the New Zealand context this technology will go a long way in supporting our lean green image that has held us strong as a Nation for generations.