Friday, 9 November 2012

MODULE SIX "Debate" Online Shopping (Against)

Online Shopping
Image from:

"The Debate" topic was online shopping and we were against, we communicated via email and met up in the library one hour before show down. As a team we discussed what we have been researching and finalized our strategy. I had prepared a Google Doc with links on what I had discovered that could be deemed to be significant. The resource list for the debate is available in the following link which will bring up a Google Doc with the sites visited for the debate Click hear for Google Doc.

Debate Team Members
Photo supplied by Lionel

During my research time I discovered some interesting facts, online shopping has become a multi-billion dollar industry reducing available spend in traditional retail. I asked a group of my students what made them by online, interestingly the reply was convenience and not necessarily price. They also went on to say their buying habits were impulsive without considering need. This statement was in keeping with my suspicion however the research documents I have looked at barely give this a mention. One interesting fact is company's such as Apple Computers and Louis Vuitton who have extensive retail outlets are bucking the trend increasing sales year after year. It has been argued that retail need to re look at their business models and re invent them self's. Although online shopping consumer spend is increasing with less money available for traditional retail Government intervention may tip the scales.    

Below is the email communication with the team prior to the meeting in the library at 9pm Thursday 8th November 2012. The second email communication is with Tevita including the Google Doc link sharing my Google Doc with my research links.

Sure man, I will be there, Hope the others can make it. Can i have your cell number and Tevita's if you got it please?

From: David Clarke <>
Sent: Tuesday, 6 November 2012 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: Debate

Hi Lionel

I agree however I will be unable to meet but have arranged to meet with Tevita on Thursday morning at 9pm in the library before the debate. Could you guys meet as well so we can cement the deal.


>>> lionel tembo <> 06/11/12 12:41 PM >>>

Ok, gentlemen, Davit is right. Since time is no longer on our side, can we all make an effort to look at all possible negative impacts of online shopping and their causes. and try to look for facts and supporting evidence. then let us all meet tomorrow at 11am. i can book a study room in the library for 11am. and i think its a good idea to communicate by TXT too.

my phone #, Lionel     -  021 2120 452
Don Li                       -  021 0540 858(new member)
Josh Qingwei             -  021 0589 921
Eric Damaris              -  021 2575 804

Hope to see you all Tomorrow.

From: David Clarke <>
Sent: Monday, 5 November 2012 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: Debate

Hi Team

We should be communicating as the debate is drawing closer. Can we please share with the group the work to date so we can work out a strategy on the angle we will look at.


>>> lionel tembo <> 31/10/12 10:52 AM >>>
Hi guys,

Our topic is looking at Online Shopping, and we are against it(negative).
Is it a must that a group is supposed to have 5 people or six can do because one guy 'Don Li' was asking if he could join our group. I'm not sure but i told him to see Rashika.
Anyway, how is our group leader and can they please allocate tasks for people to look at or we all research the whole topic, and also organize a date where we can meet and put them together before we meet the group against us.


From: David Clarke <>
Sent: Monday, 29 October 2012 8:29 PM
Subject: Debate

Hi Guys

Just emailing to see what has been discussed during the past class in terms of what our chosen topic is and how we as a team are going to tackle this. Please give me some tasks to do, so we may be in a position to give a good overall argument in relation to the technology topic chosen by the group.

I will endeavour to make the necessary input required to satisfy our obligations regarding this assignment.

Kind Regards


Hi David,

Thanks for the hard work that you have done. I do have an access to the link now. Thank you again.


Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 10:23:11 +1300
Subject: RE: Debate

You should now have access to the document, please feel free to add to it as you should be able to edit it.

>>> Tevita Ika <> 06/11/12 10:07 AM >>>
Hi David,
Yes I will be there at 9am in the library. I clicked on the link below and wait for your approval to have an access to it.


Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 07:44:27 +1200
Subject: RE: Debate

Hi Tevita
We will carry on, the resources I have got are on the link below, it is a google doc so click the link and I will add you so you can view.
I will share some ideas later on for you to have a look at. We have our debate at 10.00 am on Thursday, should we meet in the library at 9.00 am to give time to put together?

>>> Tevita Ika <> 5/11/2012 1:38 p.m. >>>
Hi David,
This is the link that I took from the internet:
I think its a good idea that we should carry on regardless.


Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 11:56:32 +1300
Subject: RE: Debate

Hi Tevita

Perhaps we should work together and carry on regardless, we cannot be responsible for others, we need to collect evidence links readings etc. Please let me know your ideas and we can work on putting together what we have and formulate a strategy from hear.


>>> Tevita Ika <> 05/11/12 10:44 AM >>>
Hi David,

Thanks for your concern about our team progress but it seems we are not working together as a team. It would be a disaster going to the debate without a strategic plan on hand. I have gathered some ideas but I need to know what am I going to do. I have no idea what the debate would look like so I am lost here.


Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 08:51:50 +1300
Subject: Re: Debate

Hi Team

We should be communicating as the debate is drawing closer. Can we please share with the group the work to date so we can work out a strategy on the angle we will look at.


>>> lionel tembo <> 31/10/12 10:52 AM >>>
Hi guys,

Our topic is looking at Online Shopping, and we are against it(negative).
Is it a must that a group is supposed to have 5 people or six can do because one guy 'Don Li' was asking if he could join our group. I'm not sure but i told him to see Rashika.
Anyway, how is our group leader and can they please allocate tasks for people to look at or we all research the whole topic, and also organize a date where we can meet and put them together before we meet the group against us.


From: David Clarke <>
Sent: Monday, 29 October 2012 8:29 PM
Subject: Debate

Hi Guys

Just emailing to see what has been discussed during the past class in terms of what our chosen topic is and how we as a team are going to tackle this. Please give me some tasks to do, so we may be in a position to give a good overall argument in relation to the technology topic chosen by the group.

I will endeavour to make the necessary input required to satisfy our obligations regarding this assignment.

Kind Regards


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